- Quantum Optics and Information Laboratory, UdeC, Chile, led by Stephen Walborn & Gustavo Lima
- Nano-synthesis Laboratory, USACH, Chile, led by Dinesh Singh
- Nanoenergy and Advanced Optical Materials Laboratory, USACH, Chile, led by Dinesh Singh
- Robust Phenomena in Optics Laboratory, FCFM-UCh, Chile, led by Marcel Clerc
- Photonic Networks Laboratory, FCFM-UCh, Chile, led by Rodrigo Vicencio
- Quantum Communication Laboratory, UdeC, Chile, led by Stephen Walborn & Gustavo Lima
- Optical Communication Laboratory, UAndes, Chile, led Jaime Anguita
- Quantum Communication Laboratory, PUC, Chile, led by Birger Seifert
- Quantum Optics Laboratory, FCFM-UCh, Chile, led by Carla Hermann